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The best results are achieved through E-learning!

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Effective employee training?

Have you ever watched a YouTube instructional, read a recipe from a blog, or listened to an informative podcast? If you did, you were, whether you knew it or not, a part of current, twenty-first-century education: E-learning. The variety of alternatives accessible with this instructional format is why more and more businesses are embracing it to train their personnel.

It makes no difference what professional field you are in or how accomplished you are. Whether you are a robotics engineer, programmer, administrator, or accountant, you must maintain your knowledge and abilities updated. Education should not end with a few letters after your name when you finish your degree. Learning should be lifelong, and e-Learning is the key.

All organisations want their staff to be educated and trained on a continuous basis so that they can be productive and professional. Here’s where e-learning comes in. Employees can gain new knowledge and information at their own time and pace via digital training programmers, which are available perpetually.

Video has long been utilised as a teaching tool, but the epidemic has expanded both its importance and popularity. During the lockdown, a large number of people sought for YouTube content that could teach them new skills or information. This included “how to” instructions for a variety of skills or pastimes, cooking and baking recipes, learning a new language, and even starting a certification or degree online.

We humans are naturally curious and like to learn new things, but it must be presented in an attractive way.

A study from Wyzowl 2021 reveals several interesting findings:

  • 89% of people say that video is an effective training tool.
  • 96% of respondents say that it is important for them whether their employer offers training and other educational opportunities.
  • 93% of respondents say that they feel more satisfied at work thanks to the training.

All of the numbers presented above emphasise the necessity of staff education and training, and video is the most effective vehicle for delivering it. Companies cannot afford to be complacent, and they should educate their employees on a continual basis in the most enjoyable way possible: through video.

What exactly is E-learning?

Simply described, e-learning is an educational process that employs information technology to produce and impart knowledge and skills, run a course or program of study, and administer assessments. This makes it an education methodology appropriate for the twenty-first century.

E-learning information can be linked into the company’s Learning Management System (LMS), a software application used to manage and administer E-learning on the intranet. Alternatively, content can be distributed via the internet, allowing access from anywhere.

Depending on the platform, there are several ways to communicate and/or collaborate, allowing for interaction as well as reciprocal content creation and exchange. The individual’s comprehension of the topic at the end of the E-learning program can be evaluated via interactive games, quizzes, and/or testing.

Interactivity is the foundation of e-learning. Participants can control the instructional material and communicate with their teachers or other students. Some courses are pre-prepared and can be completed at the student’s own speed. Others are streamed live, allowing attendees to communicate in real time via their devices.

Learning through play

Imagine you’ve begun a new job. The corporation is large, and there are norms of behavior and processes in place. Your new company will provide you with two options for learning about them: many documents full of text outlining which scenarios are not appropriate at work, or a brief two-minute film.

We would be astonished if you didn’t choose the video. Learning from written documents is difficult for many people. However, when graphics and sound are included, the whole learning process is suddenly less demanding and more interesting.

Most of us are unlikely to remember more than 10% of what we hear or read three days later. When the same topic is delivered in video format, retention increases to 65% of the information. E-learning videos benefit everyone, regardless of age. As many as 91% of educational institutions feel that video greatly improves student satisfaction.

E-learning program frequently contain course evaluations. To assess what he has learnt, the participant takes a short quiz or plays a memory game. Self-assessment boosts engagement and promotes faster, more effective learning.

What are the benefits of E-learning for companies?

Cost savings

If an in-house instructor is not available, traditional training necessitates the hire of an expensive instructor. Bringing someone in entails not just their fee but also additional costs such as the provision of premises and/or accommodation. E-learning reduces these expenses.

More employees are trained and at a faster pace

E-learning provides businesses with the greatest flexibility in terms of space and time. Businesses can train their employees whenever, wherever, and as many times as they choose.

Traditional training, on the other hand, requires teachers and participants to adhere to strict timetables and frequently expend time and energy travelling. Furthermore, creating and maintaining classic content takes far longer than online courses. For example, Google has been able to expand the number of YouTube workers trained each year by offering accredited video training.

Higher return on investment

Every time an employee enrols in an E-learning course, the company’s return on investment improves. Why? Because the course’s content is immediately available, easily accessible, and at no expense to the firm. Employees that have been properly trained and motivated are also more productive.

Consistent quality

Companies can avoid inconsistent teaching quality by designing an E-learning course. In traditional instruction, this is difficult to achieve because instructors vary and some are superior to others.


This fourth point primarily relates to multinational corporations. The same course can be offered in multiple languages. Companies are therefore not required to organise separate training for different linguistic groups.

How do you make a quality

E-learning video?

Several recommendations for a successful educational video are interesting to highlight:

  • Keep the film short and focused on specific instructional aims.
  • Use visual and auditory elements to highlight the topic explanations.
  • Divide the content into blocks to make it easier to process.
  • Use colors or symbols to highlight significant content.
  • Try to utilise a casual, engaging style that your target audience will enjoy.
  • Use questions, interactive components, and additional tasks to encourage active learning.
  • Optimise your mobile course content to make it more accessible.

In our studio, we have also demonstrated the usefulness of additional characteristics that contribute to the success of educational videos. We are delighted to share with them:

Involve our own people

Companies that have employed a new employee want to present him with as much information as possible in the initial few days. Introducing corporate culture and team members in a short amount of time can be quite difficult, especially in a huge organisation. Involving your employees, or even simply their voices, in the creation of a film is a wonderful approach.

Interactive content

81% of marketers believe that interactive content captures and holds attention considerably better than static material. To interest your viewers, add a brief quiz to each clip. Allowing participants to pause, skip, or rewind can also help them feel more in control.

Thanks to the action scenarios, the viewer is transported to the heart of the action, where he takes critical decisions and learns essential skills.


Many people associate E-learning with extensive online courses and live one-hour lectures, among other things. Nowadays, shorter forms are significantly more successful and efficiently deliver a large amount of information in a short period of time. As a result, we recommend breaking the content into microparts.


Humans remember information that is embedded in a story 22 times better than knowledge that lacks narrative form. When we integrate information and emotions, more brain regions are active, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released, and our recollection improves significantly.

Whether a company has to provide health and safety training or educate their marketing team on the newest sales trends, e-learning is an excellent choice. It efficiently mediates educational content because of its adaptability, consistency, and time and cost effectiveness.

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